Its me again, on a place I definitely need to be more active with. How's it going? For me not that great but I'm not fucking going down yet even if the world is slowly.
I've been trying to get some funds going outside of just commissions (Which I admit I need to reopen anyway) to properly get my life together and to get away from an abusive home environment, which is easier said than done now a days, especially with the amount of health issues I got. A tip for you: get into good physical habits sooner than later, even my chronic stuff would've thanked me for it lol
Don't take that as a reason to pay me! Worry about your own well being before fucking considering chipping in on a stranger like me. I wanna earn your commission!
Its taken me a lot to realize how much time passes, versus what time I should take for myself. I've been going at my own pace on things, even if deep down I either want to grind myself to the bone, or get mad at myself for not doing enough. I definitely need to push myself more and more, and I hope one day that effort will pay off... Even if its merely one step at a time.
Thank you for reading this if you did. If not, that's cool too. Mostly just me airing my thoughts, and I appreciate your time regardless ya fucking dingus lmao