Hey all, just a bit of an update on why I haven't been active as much (Despite saying I would in my last few updates)
Gonna skip past the long term stuff like depression and a lack of direction when it comes to socializing. Those are important things to take care of, but they're something I can manage (At least the depression part for the most part).
Since the start of February, I have been dealing with some serious heart problems. The problems themselves are unknown to me, as financially setting up an appointment with a cardiologist or some sort of doctor is downright difficult for me, if not impossible on my own properly. It has rendered sleep more difficult, and has really put a major toll on the things I can physically do. I'm already quite disadvantaged from seeking proper income, however asking for money isn't something I enjoy doing, at least not without giving back in return.
I will be redoing my commission sheet soon as an income opportunity, as well as finishing up any I have on my backburner. If you decide to commission me once posted it'd be appreciated, however you shouldn't have to if you don't want to.